After months of waiting I am very happy to finally have a nice order of Scum & Villainy Expansions in My Parlor!
I am going to have a very large Scum-fleet, because The Outer Rim is such a cool part of The Star Wars Universe, and I love everything about it. I am going to build a nice general S&V force, and for some extra fun I will strongly represent: The Black Sun, Mandalorian, and my own Rim Wraith sub-factions.
Beware the treacherous Prince Xizor!
I had to smile when I saw that six of my eight Scyks came in a FFG six-pack. That was the first time I have received an FFG case of figures in my collection history.
I think I am pretty good with my Scum & Villainy Fleet now, but I am going to get some more Firesprays and at least three more Star Vipers and Most Wanted sets... cause!
SCUM Boss out!
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Fantasy Flight Games announces The Official Release of STAR WARS ARMADA today... go get it now!
All Dat Glory!
Boss out!
All Dat Glory!
Boss out!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
The new X-WING FAQ and EPIC TOURNAMENT RULES are nice and fresh as of this week!
I am not upset by the new rules. Of note Cloaking got a reasonable chill-pill, and Huge Ship long range attacks have been improved. There are a lot of needed improvements; way to many to cover here, without writing a book... so go download the new (Digital) Paper my Star Brothers.
Good work Fantasy Flight... keep it up!
Boss out!
I am not upset by the new rules. Of note Cloaking got a reasonable chill-pill, and Huge Ship long range attacks have been improved. There are a lot of needed improvements; way to many to cover here, without writing a book... so go download the new (Digital) Paper my Star Brothers.
Good work Fantasy Flight... keep it up!
Boss out!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
In my initial article I shared my thoughts on what I think we can reasonably expect to see released for X-WING in the coming years. With new verified information coming out this week, it is time to have some more fun and do a little update, I think.
Now that Fantasy Flight Games have presented some of their forthcoming products at the Gama 2015 trade show, Veteran Wingers can probably agree with three of my predictions for The New X-Wing 2015 Ships.
Any Veteran X-Winger worth their salt knows that when FFG puts any art or ship design into an official product, it is a reasonable bet that the item will be in other product ranges. With the ARMADA Large Ships preview we can all see very clearly that we are going to get three new Large Ships in X-WING!
X-WING Designer Alex Davy just chatted about fixing Ordnance, and why not do that with an all new ship like the Scurrg- H-6 Bomber. It looks good, and it is a part of the Official Cannon.
FFG has made it crystal clear that we are getting all of the Bounty Hunters and Bossk with his Hound's Tooth should be next! This is one of the most popular choices among X-Wingers for a new Scum Large Ship!
After Bossk we can probably expect to see Dengar with his Punishing One.
The YV-666 Light Freighter and JumpMaster 5000 are both going to be awesome in these games!
It is going to be a lot of fun to see what else we get in the coming year... what is FFG going to do for STAR WARS EPISODE 7?
Boss out!
Now that Fantasy Flight Games have presented some of their forthcoming products at the Gama 2015 trade show, Veteran Wingers can probably agree with three of my predictions for The New X-Wing 2015 Ships.
Any Veteran X-Winger worth their salt knows that when FFG puts any art or ship design into an official product, it is a reasonable bet that the item will be in other product ranges. With the ARMADA Large Ships preview we can all see very clearly that we are going to get three new Large Ships in X-WING!
X-WING Designer Alex Davy just chatted about fixing Ordnance, and why not do that with an all new ship like the Scurrg- H-6 Bomber. It looks good, and it is a part of the Official Cannon.
FFG has made it crystal clear that we are getting all of the Bounty Hunters and Bossk with his Hound's Tooth should be next! This is one of the most popular choices among X-Wingers for a new Scum Large Ship!
After Bossk we can probably expect to see Dengar with his Punishing One.
The YV-666 Light Freighter and JumpMaster 5000 are both going to be awesome in these games!
It is going to be a lot of fun to see what else we get in the coming year... what is FFG going to do for STAR WARS EPISODE 7?
Boss out!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Fantasy Flight Games has started to share news of their STAR WARS Products coming in 2015. We are getting a peek at ARMADA Wave 2, and STAR WARS EPISODE 7... Hurray!
So far I am very happy with these little bits of future stuff. The size of the Star Destroyer is less than I had hoped for, but still it will be fun and cool in the game. I may be crazy and use a larger model... dunno yet.
I said it last year, Fantasy Flight Games are cool people and they are going to make tiny YT-1300's & Firesprays-31's... or I am a fool!
I am very happy to see that my little common sense based Boss Force Powers still work!
Boss out!
So far I am very happy with these little bits of future stuff. The size of the Star Destroyer is less than I had hoped for, but still it will be fun and cool in the game. I may be crazy and use a larger model... dunno yet.
I said it last year, Fantasy Flight Games are cool people and they are going to make tiny YT-1300's & Firesprays-31's... or I am a fool!
I am very happy to see that my little common sense based Boss Force Powers still work!
Boss out!
Monday, March 16, 2015
FFG posted a very interesting and fun fleet building overview in their Ready For Battle article! The designers present a verity of fleets, and I like them all.
I am liking the flexibility the game has to offer. You can have some cool small battles, or go all out and have a epic engagement.
I think we are going to get ARMADA in just a few weeks. I may wait on this set because I want to get all of my X-WING Factions set up now that most of the older expansions are reprinted. I also want to get the Armada Expansions ASAP with the core set.
The Starter PDF is available for download now too... very nice Fantasy Flight!!!

Fleet Boss out!
I am liking the flexibility the game has to offer. You can have some cool small battles, or go all out and have a epic engagement.
I think we are going to get ARMADA in just a few weeks. I may wait on this set because I want to get all of my X-WING Factions set up now that most of the older expansions are reprinted. I also want to get the Armada Expansions ASAP with the core set.
The Starter PDF is available for download now too... very nice Fantasy Flight!!!

Fleet Boss out!
Friday, March 13, 2015
Now that the glory that is X-WING WAVE SIX: SCUM & VILLAINY Wave One has made it to good shops everywhere, we can celebrate the return of our favorite bounty hunter... BOBA FETT Is Back & Badass!!!
The new colored bases from STAW AD&D are perfect for keeping track of the dozens of ships needed in X-WING EPIC. It just looks super cool too.
I am so happy that The Real Boba finally made it back into our sector way out here in The Outer Rim.
For a long time the best bounty hunter in the STAR WARS Universe was lacking a lot of that cool-badness we knew him for in the stories we grew up with... that has been fixed now.
Believe it or not my wonderful Star Brothers, there are some crazy people who like to think they know more than us because they bumble around at tournaments. I have read and listened to podcast where they have have said that the new Boba is weak, and that he is not all that great in fact.
These people are not to be taken seriously... ever.
Boba what do you have to say to these ridiculous meta-yapping know-it-all elitist asses?
"Come On In..."
Mando-Boss out!
The new colored bases from STAW AD&D are perfect for keeping track of the dozens of ships needed in X-WING EPIC. It just looks super cool too.
I am so happy that The Real Boba finally made it back into our sector way out here in The Outer Rim.
For a long time the best bounty hunter in the STAR WARS Universe was lacking a lot of that cool-badness we knew him for in the stories we grew up with... that has been fixed now.
Believe it or not my wonderful Star Brothers, there are some crazy people who like to think they know more than us because they bumble around at tournaments. I have read and listened to podcast where they have have said that the new Boba is weak, and that he is not all that great in fact.
These people are not to be taken seriously... ever.
Boba what do you have to say to these ridiculous meta-yapping know-it-all elitist asses?
"Come On In..."
Mando-Boss out!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
I got a nice dirty surprise today, as my Miniature Market Scum & Villainy Wave 1 order was delivered a day early! It is fun that just last night FFG updated the status on the Firespray-31 and YT-1300, both of which I want to use in S&V.
I would have ordered more of both of these awesome Wave 2 Expansions along with SCUM Wave 1, but hey you can't wait around on some things. So with my toy budget spent for the month, I will get these wonderful Large Ships next month!
Bring on Waves 7 & 8 Fantasy Flight!
SCUM Boss out!
The YT-1300, Firespray-31, and TIE Interceptor are all shipping now and expected on the 13th! With Scum & Villainy just being released I know that two of these wonderful ships are on a lot of Veteran Wingers shopping list!
Now we can finally get more of these long OP expansions, and a lot of people are very happy about it I should think! I personally need at least two of each... I need them real bad!
Happy Boss out!
Now we can finally get more of these long OP expansions, and a lot of people are very happy about it I should think! I personally need at least two of each... I need them real bad!
Happy Boss out!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
FFG previews the strategic aspects of Armada in their A Galaxy At War article. I like how Fantasy Flight is including the aspects of thematic battles. We expect that extra level of detail in a fleet combat game, and it looks like it is going to be rich and fun.
As a side not, I would love to see some Large Ship Expansion Packs, for both factions. Thinking of thematic battles, how cool would it be to have a few hunting-chase type scenarios?
Fleet Boss out!
As a side not, I would love to see some Large Ship Expansion Packs, for both factions. Thinking of thematic battles, how cool would it be to have a few hunting-chase type scenarios?
Fleet Boss out!
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Now that we are all up to date with the first six waves of STAR WARS X-WING I am in the mood to share my thoughts on some likely and possible forthcoming expansions... for the fun of pondering.
I have been following the serious minded speculation on the net for almost two years now, and listening to Fantasy Flight Games staff when ever they are asked to chat about what their plans are for X-WING and EPIC.
The collage of images I have compiled here are based on what I think we can reasonably expect to see in our future... and also just some of the coolness I would like to see. I did focus on what has been discussed the most, and I feel that my little predictions are pretty close to the mark.
Keep in mind that Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and all of the films including Episode 7 are considered STAR WARS Official Cannon, which is what fantasy Flight Games has been using thus far... with some Expanded Universe goodies that appeared in relevant media. Basically it has been made rather clear to me that if FFG wants to make something cool they probably will be allowed to... kinda.
ALREADY IN THE GAME: We own them and we love them! These ships are presented here for the sake of reference and because they are all pure awesomeness!
PROBABLY COMING: Based on what has been mentioned in several videos by FFG staff, particularly the X-Wing Developers, and the prevalence of these ships in relevant media I am almost certain that all of these wonderful designs will be in the game...
The remaining Bounty Hunters are virtually guaranteed in fact. Some Wingers are not on board but I have been following things closely like many other hardcore Star Brothers out there... When ships start showing up in official FFG art they tend to make it into the game! Go figure...
We have the first Hutt Fighter, and I am absolutely certain many of the others are on the way! All of these ships are very cool, and there is no reason for FFG to not include them with the Scyk!
Mandal Motors is going to see some more love from Fantasy Flight Games... Know this to be true my wonderful Star Brothers!
I am going on record here; for the sake of fun, and because I know that FFG are all about making an even better game. All or most of the green ships are coming!
MIGHT BE COMING: If FFG goes crazy with their EPIC range, these ships are popular enough to be included. The BFF-1 Bulk Freighter and Y-8 Mining Vessel can bring a more strategic approach to the game as grand objectives, without trying to include ground forces and other elements which the rules do not currently accommodate. The Crusader Corvette is a ship that could be used by Scum and Empire. The Slave II and larger version of the Hounds Tooth are kind of fun too.
I HOPE THEY MAKE THEM: The cargo ships is just cool and what I said about the yellow designs fits, but I think this particular ship may be a bit of wishful thinking on my part. The other ships are all popular designs from KOTOR and are probably not going to be made, but I can hope!
FFG has mentioned that they are going to be expanding the game to include other eras, a few times now. I think we are going to see Clone War ships like, but I may be reaching a bit to want a few Old Republic designs. If Fantasy Fight does them it would almost have to be as a broader scope project where they offer full on collections for specific time lines. The Episode 7 Ships they are doing are still in the realm of the game as it stands, but going beyond thirty years is a bit of a stretch I think.
I CAN DREAM: I do not think that any of these cool designs are in our official future, but I do love them and they are on my list of special projects for my Rim Wraiths faction.
The most recent Alex Davy interview fills in some of the currant chat about what is to come. I have several cool and informative chat videos here on my little FFG Playlist.
Not much Imperial speculation in these fleet 7 to 9 images Big Joe... why?
Cause it is anybodies guess my Star Brothers... I mean wow! The big (oops pun) issue being that Imperials have huge ships. This has been talked about a good bit in many of the FFG interviews that I have seen or heard in Podcast.
FFG did make up the coolness that is the Raider, but even that was kind of from a game. Now I am not saying anything is foul here, and I understand that we all get inspiration from everywhere nowadays. FFG did great on the forthcoming Imp Biggie... it is all good!
The Gonzanti is a certainty at this point along with the Ghost. We are going to get some Rebels goodies gang. The show has been mentioned by the CEO of FFG more than once, it is on.The Gonzanti is used by Imperials and Scum, and there are actually two versions of the ship... so it could be a dual faction thing.
The world of TIE Fighters and other Large Ships... that is just craziness at this point, and I love it!
TIE Avengers, TIE Droids, and Skipray Blast Boats... oh my! I am content to wait and see what happens... it should be great!
That about does it for me gang... it is fun to think about it all and there are some fan favorites but I tried to limit this article to the ships that I know are very popular and that have been talked about a lot by FFG and the Veteran Wingers out there in the void. We know that Fantasy Flight Games are serious about the products and has shown us that they do listen to our chat on the official forums.
I am looking forward to the next few years. We are going to be seeing a lot of very interesting new things, I think!
Pondering Boss out!
I have been following the serious minded speculation on the net for almost two years now, and listening to Fantasy Flight Games staff when ever they are asked to chat about what their plans are for X-WING and EPIC.
The collage of images I have compiled here are based on what I think we can reasonably expect to see in our future... and also just some of the coolness I would like to see. I did focus on what has been discussed the most, and I feel that my little predictions are pretty close to the mark.
Keep in mind that Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and all of the films including Episode 7 are considered STAR WARS Official Cannon, which is what fantasy Flight Games has been using thus far... with some Expanded Universe goodies that appeared in relevant media. Basically it has been made rather clear to me that if FFG wants to make something cool they probably will be allowed to... kinda.
ALREADY IN THE GAME: We own them and we love them! These ships are presented here for the sake of reference and because they are all pure awesomeness!
PROBABLY COMING: Based on what has been mentioned in several videos by FFG staff, particularly the X-Wing Developers, and the prevalence of these ships in relevant media I am almost certain that all of these wonderful designs will be in the game...
![]() |
The Hounds Tooth is a fan made model... for now. |
We have the first Hutt Fighter, and I am absolutely certain many of the others are on the way! All of these ships are very cool, and there is no reason for FFG to not include them with the Scyk!
MIGHT BE COMING: If FFG goes crazy with their EPIC range, these ships are popular enough to be included. The BFF-1 Bulk Freighter and Y-8 Mining Vessel can bring a more strategic approach to the game as grand objectives, without trying to include ground forces and other elements which the rules do not currently accommodate. The Crusader Corvette is a ship that could be used by Scum and Empire. The Slave II and larger version of the Hounds Tooth are kind of fun too.
I HOPE THEY MAKE THEM: The cargo ships is just cool and what I said about the yellow designs fits, but I think this particular ship may be a bit of wishful thinking on my part. The other ships are all popular designs from KOTOR and are probably not going to be made, but I can hope!
FFG has mentioned that they are going to be expanding the game to include other eras, a few times now. I think we are going to see Clone War ships like, but I may be reaching a bit to want a few Old Republic designs. If Fantasy Fight does them it would almost have to be as a broader scope project where they offer full on collections for specific time lines. The Episode 7 Ships they are doing are still in the realm of the game as it stands, but going beyond thirty years is a bit of a stretch I think.
I CAN DREAM: I do not think that any of these cool designs are in our official future, but I do love them and they are on my list of special projects for my Rim Wraiths faction.
The most recent Alex Davy interview fills in some of the currant chat about what is to come. I have several cool and informative chat videos here on my little FFG Playlist.
Not much Imperial speculation in these fleet 7 to 9 images Big Joe... why?
Cause it is anybodies guess my Star Brothers... I mean wow! The big (oops pun) issue being that Imperials have huge ships. This has been talked about a good bit in many of the FFG interviews that I have seen or heard in Podcast.
FFG did make up the coolness that is the Raider, but even that was kind of from a game. Now I am not saying anything is foul here, and I understand that we all get inspiration from everywhere nowadays. FFG did great on the forthcoming Imp Biggie... it is all good!
The Gonzanti is a certainty at this point along with the Ghost. We are going to get some Rebels goodies gang. The show has been mentioned by the CEO of FFG more than once, it is on.The Gonzanti is used by Imperials and Scum, and there are actually two versions of the ship... so it could be a dual faction thing.
The world of TIE Fighters and other Large Ships... that is just craziness at this point, and I love it!
TIE Avengers, TIE Droids, and Skipray Blast Boats... oh my! I am content to wait and see what happens... it should be great!
That about does it for me gang... it is fun to think about it all and there are some fan favorites but I tried to limit this article to the ships that I know are very popular and that have been talked about a lot by FFG and the Veteran Wingers out there in the void. We know that Fantasy Flight Games are serious about the products and has shown us that they do listen to our chat on the official forums.

Pondering Boss out!
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