Thursday, April 13, 2023


The Haradrim are a nomadic people that have a varied culture and thus practice specific ways of living. Over time many have built and settled into a handful of cities which are in their way akin to Gondor. Outside of these great places are various tribes and a few small kingdoms which guard the boarders of Harad. The noble family of Thun mastered such a kingdom facing the mountains of far eastern Harad.  The Darkness Slayer 🧙‍♂️🔮🦉 mentored Prince Zufar Thun 🦁 (and others of Near and Far Harad) in the same way that Gandalf guided Bilbo and Aragorn towards achieving their best destinies.

I am building the WHITE MOON Alliance of Prince Thun! This cool little army represent the GOOD HARAD people that resisted the influence of Sauron. Of course these people hail from the many citizens of the smaller border cities. They could more or less be ignored because the evil people of Harad did not consider them as strong enough to join them in their full deluded support of their new Dark God.

Ole'rengo is Thun's trusted Mumak and battle mount. His family bloodline has faithfully and boldly served The House of Thun for generations. Ole'rengo is still young for his race, yet he has earned respect and is known for being fearless on the battlefield.


More NEW UNITS and ALTERNATE MODEL Goodness coming soon...

MIDDLE-EARTH Boss out...

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