I started this little FIGHTERS & SHUTTELS project seven months ago to the day.
I meant to buy these much sooner than I finally did, but Eaglemoss kept having great sales on their expensive BIG Models that I wanted.
I had a few Trekers ask about scale so here you go: If you are using AMT 1/2500 or standard sized Eaglemoss ships (about 5 inches long) you want to buy the 1/2500 and 1/1700 scale Fighter & Shuttle models. The Klingon Korinar (above), Borg Tactical Probes (below), and Andorian Interceptors (below-below) are all 1/2500 scale.✨⚡🔥

Now that I have these first squadron leader and single hero ships I am very happy that I decided to do this. All of the craft that I am buying also come as formed squadrons and I will have several of these in my fleets. I love having little DS9 styled battles and these tiny cool-ass Fighters and Shuttles make it all so much extra fun and exciting! ✨⚡🔥
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