"The Fallen are returning to their former Fluidic Paradise. These Begrime Krakin are a Terror of Shadow from our past that shall not rest until they have vengeance for our justified abandonment of them all of the long generations ago... We must be ever watchful." Nobel Bharin
The approach I have taken to building my beloved Cosmic Aquatic Factions for Marvelous Marvel Cosmic is simple and harkens back to everything that I love from classic fiction. The great classics often explore the story of good and evil battling over the generations and striving for ultimate supremacy. All of my Marvel Cosmic Factions are inspired by these classic Science Fiction and Science Horror stories. The Crimson Krakin - NEOCEN GUARD and The Fallen - SHADOW KRAKIN battles are going to be terrible... and glorious!
Happy (EVIL🖤🦈) Fish-Boss out!
I also had to get the BIG beloved Enterprise C while she was on sale... because. And some glorious DOMINION WAR ships too! I am finally building that wonderful DS9 game up and I will post more about that in the glory-time that is Autumn!
Happy BIG TREK Boss out!