Friday, May 24, 2019


I have loved Fred Saberhagen's BERSERKER SAGA for most of my life and also enjoy it's most popular spin-off franchisesBattlestar Galactica (OLD & NEW) and The Terminator. I decided to make my own Sci-Fi Skirmish game after I began happily collecting Ares BSG SSB Game in late 2018! I am very focused on making BATTLESTAR BERSERK a crazy fun combination of the best elements from these three cool universes! 
Basically I am making a Battlestar Skirmish Game infused with Berserker and Terminator elements to provide a huge amount of diversity that was not possible in the shows and films for practical narrative and financial reasons. I am not constrained by these factors so I can go crazy and make a badass game with everything that I love innit... Babes!

I started this fun little project this year in January. Since then I have had all kinds of fun talking with my friends online as we discussed the merits of several POPS! I have found that the older Funkos look kinda silly, with bowed legs and less detailed sculpting. I have selected the nicer looking modern POPS! where possible for this project. 

All of the human figures I have purchased have good anatomy and technical detail and fit the look of The Battlestar Berserk Universe very nicely indeed.

The Mecha and Robots in general are exempt from the Nicer Looking Modern Funkos standard, because they are machines... and they look great old or new. I rather like the cute little bow-leggedness of the Cylons and similar Mech-POPS! If the machines looked as lithe as the humans it would not feel right to me.

The ideas I have for my Cylon Berserkers are just fun... mean... and very cute!

Now you know I have to build a badass Cylon Berserker Tank too! (Jim stole Fred's murderous time traveling machines ideas... so I am going to steal his Terminator Tanks!)
More To Come...

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