Saturday, June 29, 2019


I have had my eye on some more Special Colonial characters and the models I wanted fell to a nice friendly price on Amazon this month so I grabbed them up. I can now make most of my BSB Colonial Hero POPS!

I had my eye on some more Special Cylon characters, and was able to get the POPS! for them this month too. The Classic and New Cylon Centurions are going to be upgraded leader types. I have had a few people ask me why I am getting know character POPS! to use as BSG POPS! The answer is easy and funny (too me). I know The Galactica Universe very very well, and when I see a figure like Cayde-6 for example I do not see that video game persona... no what I see is a modernized version of the classic Cylon Citizen. So Cayde-6 joins the party... real easy!

These goodies are the newer Technical Terrain pieces I purchased this month specifically for my Battlestar Berserk Terrain projects, starting with a cool Cylon Base. I have plenty of other cool stuff already of course, to build things up, but this stuff is going to work great just for my Beloved BSG POPS!

Happy BSG BERSERK Boss out!

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